Parallax Method
A method of measuring the distance of the stars from the Earth.
With the help of this method we measure the distance of planets and stars which are very far away from Earth. To understand this method, we have to do an exercise. First of all, wherever you are, straighten your hand with your face. Now close one of your eyes and look at the thumb of your hand with the other eye, then without moving your hand with the eye you are looking at now close it and look at your thumb with the other eye. Do you feel like your thumb has moved from its place to another place? This happens because there are a few centimeters between your eyes and when you look at that thumb with separate eyes, the angle of vision formed on your eye with that thumb changes and this phenomenon is called parallax. And we call the change in the position of the body by looking with a separate eye as parallax shift.
Repeat the same activity by bringing your thumb closer to your nose and then …………
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